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Bahamani Kingdom MCQs


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Bahamani Kingdom MCQ

1.Who was the founder of the Bahmani Sultanate?

a) Muhammad bin Tughlaq

b) Alauddin Hasan Bahman Shah

c) Muhammad Shah I

d) Taj-ud-din Firoz Shah

2.What was the original name of the capital established by Alauddin Hasan Bahman Shah?

a) Daulatabad

b) Gulbarga

c) Bidar

d) Hassanabad

3.Who was Ala-ud-din Bahman Shah?

a) Sultan of Delhi

b) Founder of the Bahmani dynasty

c) Ruler of Vijayanagara

d) Mughal Emperor

4.What was Ala-ud-din Bahman Shah’s original name?

a) Hasan Gangu

b) Muhammad Shah I

c) Taj-ud-din Firoz Shah

d) Ahmad Shah Wali

5.What is the meaning of “Gesu Daraz”?

(a) Long hair

(b) Wise teacher

(c) Mystic singer

(d) Generous soul

6.In which city did Ala-ud-din Bahman Shah establish his capital?

a) Daulatabad

b) Gulbarga

c) Bidar

d) Warangal

7.What significant military conflicts did Ala-ud-din Bahman Shah face?

a) Wars with Persia

b) Wars with Delhi Sultanate

c) Constant wars with Vijayanagara and Warangal

d) Wars with Mughal Empire

8.What was Mahmud Gavan known for in the Bahmani Kingdom?

(a) Building beautiful palaces

(b) Organizing lavish parties

(c) Expanding the army

(d) All of the above

9.Alauddin Bahman Shah was the founder of which dynasty?

(a) The Delhi Sultanate

(b) The Bahmani Sultanate

(c) The Vijayanagara Empire

(d) The Mughal Empire

10.Alauddin Bahman Shah’s reign came to an end in?

(a) 1358

(b) 1368

(c) 1378

(d) 1388

11.When did Muhammad Shah I rule the Bahmani Sultanate?

(a) 1347-1358

(b) 1358-1377

(c) 1378-1397

(d) 1397-1422

12.What was a significant achievement of Muhammad Shah I’s reign?

(a) Defeating the Delhi Sultanate in a major battle

(b) Expanding the Bahmani Sultanate into the Deccan Plateau

(c) Establishing the city of Bidar as a new capital

(d) Patronizing art and architecture, leading to the construction of mosques and madrasas

13.What divisions emerged in the Deccan due to Mohammad Gavan’s administrative reforms?

a) North and South

b) Hindus and Muslims

c) Deccan Muslims and Muslims from abroad

d) Urban and Rural

14.Who was Peroz Shah Bahmani?

(a) A famous poet from the Deccan region

(b) A powerful ruler of the Mughal Empire

(c) A skilled general in the Vijayanagara army

(d) A Sultan who governed the Bahmani Sultanate

15.What was the name of the city Peroz Shah Bahmani founded?

(a) Gulbarga

(b) Bidar

(c) Bijapur

(d) Hyderabad

16.which Sultan decided to swap the Bahmani capital from Gulbarga to Bidar?

(a) Alauddin Bahman Shah

(b) Taj ud-Din Firuz Shah

(c) Ahmad Wali Shah

(d) Alauddin Ahmad Shah

17.Who was Gesu Daraz?

(a) A Sufi saint from Baghdad

(b) A military commander for the Bahmani Sultanate

(c) A renowned poet in the Deccan

(d) A spiritual advisor to Ahmed Wali Shah

18.Where is the mausoleum of Gesu Daraz located?

(a) Gulbarga, Karnataka

(b) Bijapur, Karnataka

(c) Hyderabad, Telangana

(d) Delhi

19.What did Mahmud Gavan become in the Bahmani Sultanate?

(a) King

(b) Prime Minister

(c) General

(d) Artist

20.Which title did Mohammad Gavan receive for his contributions?

(a) Shah-e-Jahan

(b) Khwaja-e-Jahan

(c) Wazir-e-Azam

(d) Bahadur Shah

21.What administrative reform did Mohammad Gavan introduce involving land grants?

(a) Land taxes were abolished for farmers.

(b) Government officials received land instead of salaries.

(c) Land ownership was limited to nobles and royalty.

(d) Land was redistributed among all citizens equally.

22.What ultimately led to Mohammad Gavan’s downfall?

(a) He lost a major battle against a rival kingdom.

(b) He became too old and weak to govern effectively.

(c) He was falsely accused of treason by jealous rivals.

(d) He disagreed with the Sultan’s religious policies.

23.In which city did Mohammad Gavan build a Madrasah, a Muslim educational institution?

a) Bijapur

b) Golconda

c) Bidar

d) Hampi

24.The Bahmani Kingdom “Tarafs”administ structure?

a) Divided into four provinces

b) Divided into six provinces

c) Divided into eight provinces

d) Divided into ten provinces

25.What was the role of the Provincial Governor in terms of forts?

a) Controlled all forts in the province

b) Entrusted with multiple forts

c) Entrusted with only one strategically important fort

d) Acted as a fort commander

26.What were the administrative divisions of the Bahmani Kingdom called?

(a) Zones

(b) Tarafs

(c) Districts

(d) Emirates

27.How did the Bahmani government ensure efficient administration within each “Taraft”?

(a) They gave complete control to the provincial governors.

(b) They appointed their own officers to oversee key areas.

(c) They created separate laws for each province.

(d) They relied solely on the “Tarafdar’s” judgment

28.Which minister led the judiciary system and oversaw matters related to religion and dharma in the Bahmani Empire?

a) Wakil-Us-Saldana

b) Peshwa

c) Waziri-Kul

d) Sadar-e-Jagan

29.What system did the Bahmanis adopt from the Mughals to organize their army?

a) Caste System

b) Janissary System

c) Mansabdari System

d) Feudal System

 30.What was the role of Qas-e-Khal?

a) Elite cavalry unit

b) Royal bodyguards

c) Religious scholars

d) Bureaucratic officials

Some short text that can be expanded to show more details.

 31.What is the greatest architectural achievement of the Bahmanis?

a) Golconda Fort

b) Charminar

c) Taj Mahal

d) Mahmud Gawan Madrasa

32.Who did Sultan Mahmud Gawan of the Bahmani Sultanate rely on to teach his soldiers the preparation and use of gunpowder?

(a)   Indian alchemists

(b)   Ottoman engineers

(c)   Persian chemists

(d)   Chinese artillery experts

33.Find’out the wrong pair?

(a) Silk – China

(b) Spices – Arabia

(c) Precious stone – Burma

(d) Madurai Vijayam – Gangadevi

Some short text that can be expanded to show more details.

34.Find the odd one out?

Harihara II, Muhammad I, Krishnadeva Raya, Devaraya I

35.Consider the following statements and find out which is/are correct?

I. Turquoise throne is one of the bejewelled royal seats of Persian kings described in Firdausi’s Shah Nama.

II. The fertile regions between the rivers Krishna and Tungabhadra and Krishna-Godavari delta were the zones of conflict among the rulers of Vijayanagar, and Bahmani.

III. Muhammad I was educated at Multan.

IV. Mahmud Gawan served with great distinction as the Prime Minister under Muhammad III.

(a) I, II, are correct

(b) I, II, III are correct

(c) II, III, IV are correct

(d) III, IV, are correct

(e) I, II & IV are correct

36.Where did Alauddin Shah, the founder of the Bahmani Sultanate, receive his education?

(a) Delhi

(b) Golkonda

(c) Bukhara

(d) Multan

37.Mohammad Gavan belongs to which country by birth?

a) India

b) Persia (Iran)

c) Turkey

d) Afghanistan

38.Against which Delhi Sultan did Alauddin Bahman Shah rebel?

a) Ghiyasuddin Tughlaq

b) Muhammad bin Tughlaq

c) Firuz Shah Tughlaq

d) Ibrahim Lodi

39.How many kings were there in the Bahmani Dynasty?

a) 12

b) 15

c) 18

d) 21

40.When did Muhammad Shah Warangal (Kakatiyas) fight?

a) 1325

b) 1347

c) 1368

d) 1392

41.what did Muhammad Shah I get as compensation from Warangal War?

a) Gold coins to build a grand mosque

b) Silver ingots for fortifications

c) Precious gems for royal jewelry

d) Golconda Fort, throne made of greenish blue stones

42.Which book mentions greenish blue stones?

a) Mahabharata

b) Shah Nama

c) Arabian Nights

d) The Iliad

43.Who wrote the book ‘Shah Nama’?

a) Rumi

b) Firdausi

c) Ibn Battuta

d) Al-Biruni

44.What was the title of the second-highest official in the Bahmani Empire, next to the King?

a) Wakil-Us-Saldana

b) Peshwa

c) Waziri-Kul

d) Ameer-e-Jumla

45.Which minister collaborated closely with the Prime Minister in governing the country?

a) Ameer-e-Jumla

b) Peshwa

c) Naseer

d) Washir e Azhar

46.Who oversaw the performance of other ministers in the Bahmani government?

a) Kottawal

b) Sadar-e-Jagan

c) Waziri-Kul

d) Washir e Azhar

47.Which South Indian dynasty succeeded the Hoysala Empire and ruled Vijayanagara from the 14th to the 16th centuries?

(a) Kakatiya Dynasty

(b) Vijayanagara Dynasty

(c) Wodeyar Dynasty

(d) Chalukya Dynasty

48.What were some of the significant contributions of the Bamini Dynasty to South Indian culture and architecture?

(a) Patronage of Carnatic music and development of the Dravidian temple style.

(b) Introduction of Persian and Islamic influences in art and architecture.

(c) Cultivation of Telugu literature and construction of fortified hill forts.

(d) All of the above.

Some short text that can be expanded to show more details.

49.How did the rivalry between the Bamini Dynasty and the Deccan Sultanates impact the political landscape of South India?

(a) It led to frequent wars and instability in the region.

(b) It fostered cultural exchange and artistic innovation.

(c) It resulted in the decline of Hindu kingdoms and the rise of Muslim power.

(d) Both (a) and (c).

50.Which famous battle marked a turning point in the fortunes of the Bamini Dynasty?

(a) Battle of Talikota

(b) Battle of Rachaconda

(c) Battle of Colachel

(d) Battle of Plassey


 51.Who was the most prominent ruler of the Bamini Dynasty, known for his administrative reforms and military prowess?

(a) Deva Raya I

(b) Krishnadevaraya

(c) Bukka Raya I

(d) Harihara Raya II


52.How many provinces did Ala-ud-din Bahman Shah divide the kingdom into?

a) Two

b) Three

c) Four

d) Five


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