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Evolution Of Human Beings

 Introduction of Evolution Of Human Beings ;

               Let us know the history of the formation of mankind at Evolution Of Human Beings.About the stones and stone tools used by man in earlier times,About how man had hunted in the earlier period and wandered around many places, from which he began to collect and to survive stablely in one place.How did he understand the use of fire and wheels.

 Stages of Evolution Of Human Beings;

  1. Australopithecus
  2. Homo habilis
  3. Homo erectus
  4. Neanderthal
  5. Chromagnons
  6. Peking Man
  7. Homo sapiens
  8. Heidelberg Man


                  Australopithecus is a species of  human-like animals that lived in Africa2 million to 1.4 million years ago.Humans of this species were also known as hominins, and the southern monkey.They are considered to be the ancestors of the homo species that includes modern humans.Australopithecus was first discovered in the early 20th century by Raymond Dart, who described the genus Australopithecus africanus based on a fossil skull from South Africa in 1925.The famous fossil “Lucy”, which is one of the most well-known species.

             The species exhibited a mixture of monkey-like and human-like characteristics.They had a small brain size, and the capacity of the skull ranged from about 375 to 550 cubic centimeters .Their bodies were suitable for walking upright on two legs and climbing trees.Australopithecus may contain a diverse diet that includes fruits, leaves, and some meats. The species Australopithecus eventually became extinct due to environmental changes,  competition with other hominin species, or a combination of factors.Fossil remains of Australopithecus have been discovered in different parts of Africa, including South Africa, Ethiopia, Kenya .

Homo habilis;

                         This type of human being is a human race that lived about 2.4 to 1.4 million years ago.Another name for Homo habians is Hendy Man.The species was first discovered in 1960 in the Old Mouth Valley  in Dance Sania  by Louise and Mary Leakey.Humans of this type had an average of 600 to 700 cubic centimeters in size of the thread.They became hunters to collect fruits, nuts and plants, while at the same time consuming the meat of hunted or processed animals.They lived in different environments, from forests to grasslands.Fossil remains of Homo habilis have been discovered at various locations in East Africa, including the Olduwai Valley in Tanzania and the Coupi Fora in Kenya.

Homo erectus;

                        Homo electric going was the earliest extinct human race.It is a  human race that lived from about 1.9 million years ago to about 10,000 years ago.The species was discovered in Indonesia in the late 19th century by Eugene du Boisel.Their skull capacity, which was larger than that of early humans, ranged from about 750 to 1250 cubic centimeters.Fossil evidence suggests that Homo erectors originated from Africa to different parts of Asia, including Java, China and SoutheastThere is evidence that they may have been the first human species to use fire control.They were the main architects of the formation of modern man, and some of the notable sites of their existence include Java (Indonesia), Jugodian (China) and Dimanisi (Georgia).


                               People belonging to this species are called Neanderthals and Homo Neanderthalensis .It is thought that those who lived in this category may have lived for about 400,000 to 40,000 years.First discovered in the Neander Valley near Düsseldorf, Germany, in 1856The Neanderthals were well suited to the cold environment.They had strong and sturdy bodies with short legs,The cranial capacity of these species is similar to ours, or slightly larger than ours.They used stone tools for hunting.Including the mouseterian toolkit, it had a variety of tools for cutting, scraping, and other functions.They made ornaments from shells, teeth and other materials.Genetic evidence from breeding between Neanderthals and early Homo sapiens has been found in the DNA of modern non-African populations.Neandertal remains have been discovered in various locations in Europe, West Asia and the Middle East.In Germany, the Neander Valley is found in abundance of their remains.


                            Chromagnans have been found to belong to your period from 30,000 to 10,000  years ago.The term “Cro-Magnons” refers to a rock shelter called “Abri de Gro-Magnon”, located in Les Easys, France.In 1868, a team of French scientists led by Louis Larget discovered a collection of ancient human skeletons of this site.They had advanced intellect and artistic skills that created intricate cave paintings, sculptures, and statues.Not only did they hunt and eat, but they also collected unlimited plant foods and used fire for cooking and heating.

Peking man;

               Peking man’s discovery helped confirm the existence of ancient human species in Asiaand their migration to the abyss.Peking man is also known as Homo erectus peginci.Peking smokers were first detected in the 1920s at Saugodian, located southwest of Beijing.In 1923, the Davidson Black team was engaged in the continuing excavations of Saugodan and discovered the fossils of several individuals.

Homo sapiens;

                            Approximately 300,000 years ago, anatomically the earliest evidence of modern humans was found in Africa.Mark began to migrate from Africa to Homo sapiens 70 thousand 60 thousand years ago,They spread to different countries and continents and created different cultures.approximately 10, 000 years ago, they switched from hunting and gathering humans to agriculture and formed large permanent societies.About 5,000 years ago the rise of advanced civilizations in different parts of the world, such as Mossadmia, Egypt, the Indus Valley and China, reached an important stage in Evolution Of Human Beings 

Heidelberg man Evolution Of Human Beings ;

  • The fossil of Heidelberg humans was discovered in the sand pits of the Maker River near Heidelberg in Germany in the late 19th century.
  • The fossil is thought to be about 500,000 to 600,000 based on your discovered geological environment.
  • This species is believed to have lived in different parts of Africa, Europe and Asia.

Conclusion of Evolution Of Human Beings ;

           From the emergence of our earliest ancestors in the African savannas to the complex societies and technological marvels of the modern world, the stages of human evolution explain our shared history and the extraordinary potential for change within us.

   Embracing fire, language, agriculture, and industry, as we progressed beyond our origins, we transformed the landscapes in which we lived and placed an indelible mark on earth.

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