Lodi Dynasty
Lodi Dynasty Lodi Dynasty:(1451-1526) The Lodi dynasty was founded by the…
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Lodi Dynasty Lodi Dynasty:(1451-1526) The Lodi dynasty was founded by the…
Sayyid Dynasty Sayyid Dynasty (1414-1451 AD): …
Arrival of European In India Introduction: …
Popular Uprisings Before 1857: …
Early Rebellions Against The British Introduction: …
Khilji Dynasty Introduction: Khilji Dynasty, ruling from 1290 to 1320, emerged…
Maratha Empire Rulers Maratha Empire Rulers Origin of the Maratha…
Tughlaq Dynasty Tughlaq Dynasty (1320-1414): The Tughlaq dynasty, which spread from…
Jahangir Basic Information: Jahangir Full Name: Salim Noor ud-Din Muhammad Date…
Aurangzeb Basic Information of Aurangzeb: Name: Muin - ud - din…